Book: Cardboard Folk Instruments To Make and Play by Dennis Waring, Copyright 2002
Sterling Publishing Co. ISBN#1895569788
If you are unable to find this book through your library, here are some online sources with directions for some of the instruments in the book.
This video may be more complicated that some families can do. Simplify if needed.
This is the first of a series of videos on how to make a rain stick. Watch this one, then chose the next from the list on the right side.
Videos showing the use of and how to play spoons. Yes, spoons.
- Playing Spoons – Amazing Scotty Brothers
- How to Play The Spoons: Part 1 – The Basics
- Learn how to play the spoons
A how to with instructions for making it easier for children.
Videos showing the use of a washboard:
Here are directions for a pan flute (and a virtual one to play on the computer!)
Video showing how to make a carrot slide whistle and recorder:
Caution: This is not as easy as it looks.
Homemade glass harp:
Any of the videos in previous lessons showing how to make a homemade instrument.
(See Pop Bottle lesson, Straw Oboe lesson, and Making Drums lesson)
Your imagination. What odds and ends from your garage/shed/laundry room can you piece together to create a unique instrument – all your own creation? Flexible tubing? Scrap metal? Pipe pieces?
The sky is the limit.